Saludable Latina

Saludable Latina


A women’s health and wellness podcast hosted by Lilia G. Ashe. Her mission is to include spirituality, intuitive lead and lifestyle wellness topics and stories relating to the everyday women. The information shared on the podcast is for educational purposes only. Stories, symptoms, testimonials, and all content is raw, honest, and from personal experience and is not to be used as diagnosis or inplace of medical advice and care. Always consult with a primary care provider for health questions.

Categorias: Salud

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Dr. Stacye Branché Msc.D is a certified Metaphysical Practitioner, Wellness

Coach, Public Speaker, Author, and Cancer Survivor. In February 2009 Stacye was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a rare cancer of the blood plasma, which is considered incurable and irreversible. From the beginning, Stacye chose to focus on alternative healing and rejected Western treatment.


In 2013, Stacye began reversing Multiple Myeloma diagnoses with Fasting and a Plant-based diet. In 2015 she began sharing her healing journey and knowledge to help others live a healthier lifestyle.

Over the years she has grown a large following and uses her voice and social platforms to spread her message of healthy living and love world-wide.

Stacye has helped many individuals in their health journey by also integrating spiritual and social life coaching skills into her counseling practice. As a Spiritual Advisor she uses her skills to provide her clients with the tools they need to quickly improve their thoughts and feelings about themselves, and others, to improve their physical, emotional, spiritual well-being.

Stacye is the author of three following  books listed below:

  1. “It’s All In How You Look At It (Thoughts and questions about life)
  2. “It’s All In How You Look At It (Thoughts and Questions About Love and Relationships)
  3. “Relationships And The Things We Don’t Talk About”

Stacye is presently working on her latest book “A Healthier Kitchen for a Healthier You” with an anticipating release in Fall of 2020.

Tune in tonight's episode to get to know Stacye's wellness journey.

Where to find Stacye:





Episodios anteriores

  • 10 - S2 Episode 9 Dr. Stacye Branché 
    Wed, 17 Jun 2020
  • 9 - S2 Episode 8 Jannet Carrera 
    Wed, 13 May 2020
  • 8 - S2 Episode 7 Adina Diaz 
    Thu, 07 May 2020
  • 7 - S2 Episode 6 Amanda Sauceda, MS, RDN, CLT 
    Mon, 04 May 2020
  • 6 - S2 Episode 5 Cindy Canek (The Mommy Goddess) 
    Mon, 04 May 2020
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