Disney: A History

Disney: A History

Lauren Vestal and Abigail Campbell

Disney: A History is a podcast that discusses the history of different Disney characters and their impact on pop culture throughout the ages. We discuss their historical origins, their Disney adaptation, and finally, their impact on pop culture and how they have influenced the world around us. Join us on Reddit by searching r/disneyahistorypod; we look forward to continuing the discussion! You can also email us at Disneyahistorypod@gmail.com

Categorias: Cine y TV

Escuchar el último episodio:

In this episode we discuss Thumbelina's origins, her film adaptation, and her impact on pop culture. Join us on our website www.disneyahistory.wordpress.com or on Reddit by searching r/disneyahistorypod, we look forward to continuing the discussion! You can also email us at Disneyahistorypod@gmail.com

Transition sounds provided by zapsplat.com

Episodios anteriores

  • 15 - 14 Thumbelina BONUS 
    Tue, 17 Aug 2021
  • 14 - 13 Anna and Elsa BONUS 
    Tue, 03 Aug 2021
  • 13 - 12 Moana 
    Tue, 27 Jul 2021
  • 12 - 11 Merida 
    Tue, 20 Jul 2021
  • 11 - 10 Rapunzel 
    Wed, 14 Jul 2021
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