Ixis Live

Ixis Live


Asking the experts questions about web and digital that you want answers to. Talking in plain English with our team and other specialists in the field. Making the daunting tasks easier for you to take charge of.

Categorias: Tecnología

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Now that we’ve identified our main users or user groups, we can start getting to the nitty-gritty of your new website.  it’s time to start writing requirements for your website keeping all of your goals and users in mind.

If you’re creating a brief for your new build project one of the best things you can do is create user stories.

An agency or developer doesn’t want to be told how to build it, they want to understand how you expect it to work in a variety of scenarios without using complicated, technical jargon. Usually, developers are more ‘logical thinkers’

Dani interviewed Dan Pala and Mark Byrne in our latest podcast to explain what user stories are, why they’re important and how to write them. 

Episodios anteriores

  • 2 - Upgrading your website: Writing User Stories 
    Fri, 21 Feb 2020
  • 1 - Upgrading your website: Identifying users and user groups. 
    Wed, 05 Feb 2020
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