dnbf enigma

dnbf enigma

Den Norske Buddhistforening

| EN | Eager to discover the depths of your inner happiness? This podcast dives into teachings given by various instructors about meditation, mindfulness, a path towards and journeys of happiness − both in English and Norwegian language. | NO | Spent på å oppdage dyp indre lykke? Denne podcasten dykker ned i læren gitt av forskjellige instruktører om meditasjon, mindfulness, en vei mot og reiser til lykke − både på engelsk og norsk språk. dnbf guide | dnbf enigma | dnbf original

Categorias: Salud

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Metta meditation is the practice to develop the mind in such a way that this feeling of metta, this most exalted of human potentials, becomes a reality. And when this feeling starts to spark, which sages in the past has described as transcendence or divinity, than that is inside you! And it has been there all along − it is like coming home − and it it is there for everybody. This talk is actually four different talks combined into one, each talk given in regards to the four people you spread metta to: metta for our self, mette for the loved person, metta for the neutral person and metta for the disliked person. This teaching was given during a retreat at Venabu in October 2024:https://dnbf.org/en/2024/11/venabu-autumn-2024/ - - - Please, feel free to recommend this podcast to your friends! FeedbackIf you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: post@dnbf.org DonationThe non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development: DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/ NewsletterSubscribe to our newsletter to receive information about our activities:https://dnbf.org/en/newsletter/ MembershipYou are welcome as a member, and we have a lot to offer in terms of activities:https://dnbf.org/en/membership/ ProblemsIf you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: post@dnbf.org

Episodios anteriores

  • 18 - Metta meditation | EN | Bhante Sujato 
    Sun, 27 Oct 2024
  • 17 - The path to freedom | EN | Bhante Sujato 
    Thu, 31 Oct 2024
  • 16 - Mindfulness meditation | EN | Bhante Sujato 
    Sat, 26 Oct 2024
  • 15 - What is jhana and samadhi | EN | Bhante Sujato 
    Wed, 30 Oct 2024
  • 14 - The four bases of mental power | EN | Bhante Sujato 
    Tue, 29 Oct 2024
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